
Inheritance vs. Composition in Java: Choosing the Right Design Approach


Jul 14, 2023
Inheritance vs. Composition in Java: Choosing the Right

Learn the differences between inheritance and composition in Java and make informed design choices. Explore code reuse, relationships, flexibility, and more.

In the realm of Java programming, developers often encounter situations where they need to reuse existing code or create structured relationships between classes. Inheritance and composition are two primary mechanisms that address these requirements. This article delves into the comparison between inheritance and composition, enabling you to make informed decisions about which approach suits your software design needs.

Understanding Inheritance

1. Definition and Purpose of Inheritance: Inheritance is a concept in object-oriented programming that allows one class (the subclass or child class) to inherit properties and behaviors from another class (the superclass or parent class). The subclass extends the superclass, inheriting its attributes, methods, and relationships. This mechanism promotes code reuse and facilitates the creation of class hierarchies.

2. Inheriting from a Superclass: When a class inherits from a superclass, it gains access to all the public and protected members of the superclass. This includes fields, methods, and other class-level elements. The subclass can use and modify these inherited members or define additional members of its own. Inheritance promotes the reuse of code and fosters a hierarchical structure that reflects the relationship between classes.

3. Overriding Methods: Inheritance also allows subclasses to override methods inherited from the superclass. By redefining a method in the subclass, developers can customize its behavior to suit the specific needs of the subclass. Method overriding provides flexibility and enables polymorphism, where different objects of related classes can be treated uniformly.

Exploring Composition

1. Definition and Purpose of Composition: Composition is another technique in object-oriented programming that enables the creation of complex objects by combining simpler or more specialized objects. It involves building relationships between classes, where one class contains an instance of another class as a member variable. This relationship allows the composed class to leverage the functionalities of the contained class, establishing a "has-a" association.

2. Building Relationships with Composition: In composition, the relationship between classes is based on object containment rather than inheritance. By composing objects, you can create flexible and modular designs that are adaptable to changing requirements. The composed objects can interact with each other through well-defined interfaces, promoting encapsulation and reducing dependencies.

3. Implementing Composition in Java: In Java, composition is implemented by creating member variables within a class that refer to instances of other classes. The composed class can access the public methods and properties of the contained class through these member variables. This approach allows for dynamic composition, where different instances of the contained class can be assigned to the member variables, providing flexibility and extensibility.

Key Differences Between Inheritance and Composition

1. Code Reusability: Inheritance focuses on reusing code by deriving new classes from existing ones. It enables subclasses to inherit the attributes and behaviors of the superclass, reducing code duplication. Composition, on the other hand, emphasizes reusing code by creating relationships between classes. It allows classes to be composed of other classes, enabling modular designs.

2. Relationship Structure: Inheritance establishes an "is-a" relationship, representing an "is a kind of" association between classes. The subclass is considered a specialized form of the superclass. Composition, on the contrary, establishes a "has-a" relationship, indicating that one class contains another class as a component or part.

3. Flexibility and Extensibility: Inheritance can lead to rigid designs as changes in the superclass can affect all its subclasses. It provides less flexibility when adapting to evolving requirements. Composition, on the other hand, offers greater flexibility and extensibility. Changes in the composed class or its relationships have minimal impact on other parts of the system, making it easier to maintain and modify.

4. Coupling and Dependencies: Inheritance can create tight coupling between classes, as subclasses depend on the implementation details of the superclass. Changes in the superclass may propagate to subclasses, increasing the risk of unintended side effects. Composition promotes loose coupling, allowing classes to depend on abstractions rather than concrete implementations. This reduces dependencies and enhances modularity.

Choosing the Right Design Approach

When deciding between inheritance and composition, several factors come into play. Consider the following guidelines to make an informed choice:

1. Analyzing the Problem Domain: Understand the problem domain and the relationships between classes. Identify if the classes exhibit an "is-a" or "has-a" relationship.

2. Assessing Code Reusability: Evaluate the potential for code reuse. If classes share common attributes and behaviors, inheritance may be suitable. If the focus is on building modular components, composition might be a better choice.

3. Evaluating Relationship Structure: Determine the nature of the relationship between classes. If a class represents a specialized form of another class, inheritance aligns well. If one class contains another class as a part, composition provides a more appropriate approach.

4. Considering Flexibility and Extensibility: Anticipate future changes and requirements. If flexibility and extensibility are essential, composition offers a more adaptable solution. If a rigid structure is acceptable or desirable, inheritance may be suitable.

5. Managing Coupling and Dependencies: Assess the level of coupling and dependencies in your design. If loose coupling is preferred to minimize dependencies, composition can help achieve modular and maintainable designs. If close coupling is acceptable or necessary, inheritance may be a viable option.


Inheritance and composition are powerful techniques in Java that enable code reuse and structured relationships between classes. Each approach has its strengths and considerations. Inheritance promotes code reuse through subclassing, while composition emphasizes flexible object relationships. When choosing between inheritance and composition, carefully analyze your design requirements, code reusability, relationship structure, flexibility, and dependencies. By making informed decisions, you can create robust and maintainable software systems that align with your specific needs.


Q. Can a class inherit from multiple classes in Java?

A. No, Java does not support multiple inheritance. A class can only inherit from a single superclass. However, Java allows multiple interfaces to be implemented by a class, enabling a form of multiple inheritance through interface implementation.

Q. Can inheritance and composition be used together?

A. Yes, inheritance and composition can be used together in a software design. This is known as hybrid or mixed approach, where certain parts of the system utilize inheritance while others employ composition.

Q. Which approach is better for code maintenance and evolution?

A. The choice between inheritance and composition greatly influences code maintenance and evolution. In general, composition tends to offer better code maintenance and evolution capabilities.

Q. Can composition be used to achieve polymorphism in Java?

A. Yes, composition can be used to achieve polymorphism in Java. Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated uniformly, as long as they share a common interface or superclass.

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